When you are getting billed by a medical service but you are sure that your insurance already paid or some account under insurance, such as an HRA, already paid, call your insurance company.
Once upon a time, when I naively thought I could resolve such matters myself, my family called Labcorp three times without any resolution regarding two bills that had already been paid through my HRA. The first call was handled by someone who was tricked into paying a second time for the billed service on one of the invoices. I made the second and third calls. In the second call, Labcorp asked me to send my proof, the Explanation of Benefits (EOB), for the invoice that had been paid twice and said the other one was indeed paid. In the third call, a different woman told me that neither had been covered by my HRA and instructed me to send my EOB for both.
When I got yet another bill claiming that what was already paid was “PAST DUE”, I sighed and prepared myself for another potentially useless call. Not wanting to waste too much extra time, before the potential 4th call to Labcorp, I called my insurance company, Cigna, to confirm that they had deducted from my HRA, like the EOB and the insurance portal claimed. The helpful lady on the line confirmed this, called Labcorp, and we entered a 3-way call so that we could resolve the matter.
This time, a woman said that the twice-paid invoice had a refund issued between the second call (after which I had send the EOB for that particular invoice) and third call (where the woman claimed they had not received the EOB for that particular invoice yet). The other invoice was confirmed paid after the insurance lady gave her numbers and dates and the Labcorp lady confirmed.
I should have called Cigna in the first place and let them handle it. Perhaps there could have been a total of just one call!