
Carnaval de Québec 2024: Effigies

If you attend in 2024, it is the 70th anniversary of the Carnaval de Québec, a winter festival held ! Attendance requires an effigy of Bonhomme Carnaval if you are a teen or older. For example, my 2-year-old will not need her own effigie parce que les effigies sont “obligatoire pour les 13 ans et plus”.

To purchase your effigy, you visit Nos produits carnavalesques – Carnaval de Québec. The snowmen are not sold in mid summer, but sales opened up at some point before I returned to the US in November. Purchasing before January 15th, 2024, allowed for a discounted price of CA$20 per effigy. If I purchase on or after January 15th, it will cost me CA$30 per effigy.

Breakdown of costs for 3 effigies for Carnaval de Québec 2024 mailed to the United States.

We opted to have ours shipped to us. It seemed that not having to look for the correct pick-up location would be easier than hunting it down in the winter.

For time to arrive: I purchased three effigies on November 19th, 2023; received the email letting me know the effigies were mailed on December 18th, 2023; and received the package containing the effigies on January 9th, 2024. My other order of one effigy was made on December 16th, 2023; I received the shipment confirmation on January 11th, 2024; and I received the package on January 23, 2024.

Les effigies pour the Carnabal de Québec are mailed in a thin rectangular box and contains the number of effigy packets ordered, for the regular effigy.

The effigy came in a small box and the effigies are not 3D snowmen like some pictures I have seen of effigies from past years. Someone I talked to thought it would be wicker snowmen because of the word “effigy”.

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